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Dark Mermaid Clear Beaded Slime is a gorgeous dark blue clear slime that features medium-sized glitters that settle at the bottom. If you're sensitive to the glitter, you can easily pinch them off to remove them. It comes with about an ounce of black and purple add-in beads, along with a mermaid tail charm, purple coral pieces, and black oceanic greenery for decoration. This slime is scented with oceanic and airy notes, complemented by a base note of floral, giving it an overall scent described as ocean florals. The floral scent is not overpowering, it creates a more atmospheric experience. 



Oceanic with light floral notes

(All slimes have an unscented option)



Clear beaded



Clicky and sharp pops


Base Size

8 ounces



8 oz base

1 oz black and purple mermaid themed beads

1 large purple coral

1 large black coral

1 large seaweed plant


Shop Notes

Beads can be pokey



Not edible. Small parts.

Dark Mermaid Clear Beaded Slime

Out of Stock
  • All REGULARLY priced slimes come with the following:

    • Re-activator
    • Slime care card
    • Matching Slimey stickers (while supplies last)
    • Sweet treats (while supplies last)
    • Small random slime sample (while supplies last)
    • Slimes on sale do not include stickers, sweet treats, or a slime sample
  • Wash your hands before and after using our products. For external use only.
  • Keep away from eyes, nose, mouth, hair, clothes, and pets.
  • Flush eyes with clean water if you get slime or clay in your eye.
  • Keep away from clothes and other materials as colored slime and clays may dye the materials.
  • Vinegar solution and a citric acid solution can remove slime from material and hair.
  • Make sure to follow precautions on the vinegar and citric acid packages.
  • If you have skin sensitivities, you can still enjoy our products by wearing gloves when using our products.
  • Call the local poison or emergency department if swallowed or an allergic reaction occurs.
  • Slime is not edible, do not eat.
  • Small parts present a choking hazard.
  • Use gloves while reactivating melted slime.
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